Undergraduate Admissions

Undocumented Students
All students welcome here.
The University of Connecticut encourages all academically accomplished students who are ready to take the next step in reaching their higher educational goals to apply for admission, regardless of citizenship status. This includes students who may just be learning their immigration status for the first time during the college admissions process. Admission to the University is based on a holistic approach which includes grade point average, class rank, optional SAT or ACT score, required essay, extracurricular activities, and optional letters of recommendation, and does not take into consideration an applicant's citizenship or immigration status.
In-State Tuition for Connecticut Undocumented Students
In 2011, the Connecticut General Assembly approved a law which offers undocumented students residing in Connecticut in-state tuition benefits at the state's public institutions of higher education. The law was then expanded in 2015, reducing the requirement for Connecticut high school attendance from four years to two under HB 6844. To be eligible for in-state tuition at a state institution, students are required to complete the Status Acknowledgment Form indicating they are a resident of Connecticut, have attended at least two years of high school in Connecticut, and have graduated (or received the equivalent of a high school diploma) from a Connecticut high school or are enrolled at a public institution of higher education in this state. UConn's Office of Admissions screens students for eligibility for in-state tuition under this bill and will contact students directly if there are questions regarding in-state residency eligibility.
The Application Process for Undocumented Students
The application process does not vary based upon citizenship and/or immigration status. All applicants must submit an online application, official transcripts, test scores, and optional letters of recommendation. Any applicant, regardless of citizenship or immigration status, whose native language is not English may require additional TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo scores.
Citizenship and immigration status questions do vary between the applications for admission (i.e. Common Application, Apply Coalition with Scoir, or UConn Application). It is important to review each question carefully and select the options that best represents your personal background. UConn holds no preference for which application you choose to utilize. If you need assistance on your selections, we encourage you to consult with your school counselor or contact One Stop Student Services at (860) 486-1111 for further information.
A social security number is not a required field on the application for admission and should not be prompted by the application when selecting non-U.S. citizen.
Financial Aid for Undocumented Students
Due to recently passed Connecticut legislation, undocumented students who are Connecticut residents may be eligible for institutional need-based aid. For information on this process, please visit the Office of Student Financial Aid Services website. CT Students for a Dream is also a resource available to undocumented students with an active list of scholarship opportunities.
For additional information or questions pertaining to applying for admission to UConn as an undocumented student, please contact One Stop Student Services at onestop@uconn.edu or by phone: (860) 486-1111. Additional resources can also be found on the Office for Diversity and Inclusion website.