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Undergraduate Admissions

  1. University Policy
    1. University policy regarding transfer credit is administered by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions in coordination with the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and the University Senate.
    2. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions works on a close and continual basis with one faculty member in each department, designated by the department head or dean of the School/College, who acts as liaison with the Undergraduate Admissions Office.
    3. The student's advisor, department head, and/or dean determine if and how transfer work may be used to satisfy baccalaureate requirements.
    4. Periodically, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions requests that departments review and/or re-evaluate courses offered by public and private institutions so that evaluation policy may be kept up-to-date with new offerings, content change, etc.  Individual Schools and Colleges might also request additional review of transfer policies and procedures in accordance with School and College regulations and standards.  In this regard, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions makes students aware of regulations through their website.
    5. A maximum of 90 credits may be applied toward the baccalaureate in all Schools and Colleges except Nursing, Pharmacy and Engineering, where 97, 107 and, depending on major, 96-109 credits respectively may be transferred.  To graduate from the University, a student must ordinarily complete at least 30 credits in residence and meet all general education, major, and departmental requirements.
    6. If a student fails to indicate on the admission application that she/he has completed course work at another college or university and later requests to have that work evaluated for transfer, credit for such work will be denied.  Students can also be subject to dismissal for failure to disclose post-secondary institution enrollment.
  1. Criteria for Course Transferability
    1. Undergraduate course work, including courses offered online*, will be considered for transfer credit under the following conditions:
      1. Courses must be completed at regionally accredited degree-granting institutions;
      2. Courses must be comparable in character, content, and quality to courses offered by the University;
      3. Courses must be completed with a minimum grade of "C";
      4.  Course numbers, titles, grades, and credit values must appear on the source institution's official transcript, and the course numbers and titles must be consistent with the regular offerings described in that institution's general catalog;
      5. *Online courses in laboratory science and foreign language, including those offered in a hybrid format, will not transfer.
    2. The student's quality point average at the University is calculated solely on the basis of work taken at the University of Connecticut.
    3. The number of transfer credits a student receives depends primarily on the educational quality of the work taken "“ as evidenced by accreditation by a regional accrediting body and the comparability of the courses taken in content, scope, and level to those offered by the University.
    4. All matters concerning the transferability of credit are based upon an ethical concern for native students; i.e., while a transfer student should be entitled to the same rights and privileges as a native student, the transfer student should not be given any advantages not normally afforded a native student.  The transfer credit guidelines aim to maintain and enforce equitable and consistent transfer policy that reflects the standards and quality required by the University of its native students.
    5. Transfer course work is evaluated on an individual basis and assigned an equivalent University course number whenever possible.  If no equivalent course can be designated, and the work is deemed to be comparable to University-level work, then general elective credits in the discipline may be awarded.
    6. College courses taken at the first-year/sophomore level generally do not transfer as 3000/4000 level equivalencies.
    7. Transfer credits will be reflected in semester hours earned (Quarter hours are converted to semester hours by using a .67 multiplication factor).
    8. Specialized courses, e.g., studio art, applied music, etc., are automatically referred to respective liaison faculty for evaluation for students majoring in those areas.
    9. Courses for which credit is awarded through another college's credit-by-examination policy will transfer providing earned credits and letter grades appear on the transcript and providing the course numbers and titles are consistent with the regular offerings described in the institution's general catalog.
    10. Course work taken at postsecondary institutions outside the United States, not offered through the University's regularly sponsored programs, is referred to faculty liaisons for evaluation of course content after the Office of Undergraduate Admissions has verified  recognition and educational quality of the overseas institution concerned.
    11. College level work given in or under the direction of an accredited college or university as part of the armed services program will be accepted for credit on the same basis as other transfer work.  Recommendations set forth in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Forces are used in the evaluation of work done through military programs unaffiliated with accredited collegiate institutions.  Military Science courses (ROTC) offered through an accredited institution may be transferred as discipline credits, with a maximum of 4 credits per student allowed.
    12. Other work of a professional or advanced nature, such as field study courses, independent studies, seminars, etc. are referred to faculty for evaluation and course equivalency.  Generally, transfer credit for University courses numbered 3995 and 3999 is not awarded if this type of work taken elsewhere is at the lower-division level.
    13. If a student transfers from an institution where all courses taken are non-traditionally graded, the student is required to have the college provide letter grade equivalents.  In certain cases, written evaluations by individual instructors from the student's college may be acceptable.  Courses graded "P" (or "CR") will be accepted provided no grade below "C" appears on the transcript.  If a grade below "C" is indicated, the student is advised to obtain a letter grade equivalent for the "P" to insure that the "P" is not the lowest passing grade for which the credit was earned.
    14. University Honors courses and "W" codes are not awarded in transfer.
    15. The University of Connecticut's Bachelor of General Studies program is subject to the same transfer consideration as other baccalaureate programs at the University.  The Bachelor of General Studies 1000-level Unassigned Elective may accommodate exceptions to these guidelines (see Section III).
  1. Non-Transferable Credit
    1. Laboratory science and foreign language courses taken online, including hybrid formats.
    2. Credit earned in colleges and universities that are not regionally accredited (or candidates for accreditation if the credit was earned during the candidacy period and the institution was ultimately not accredited) is not eligible for transfer consideration.  Students from these institutions have the option of requesting course credit by examination for University credit.
    3. Courses included under Fresh Start/Academic Forgiveness programs are not transferable.
    4. Career, vocational, or technical courses; e.g., computer technology, criminal justice, forensic science, library science, medical lab technician, occupational therapy assistant, radiology, etc.
    5. Pre-collegiate/remedial courses; e.g., reading improvement, English/Math skills courses, development courses, or courses classified by the sending institution as below first-year level or not applicable to the degree, etc.
    6. Personal development/self-improvement courses; e.g., career counseling, interpersonal relationships, college success courses, etc.
    7. Courses not offered at the undergraduate level by the University; e.g., psychological counseling, behavior modification, theology, law, etc., or courses which equate to those offered by the University's noncredit extension program.
    8. Credit given by another college for life/work experience.
    9. Graduate-level courses.
    10. Credit earned for courses that have been repeated.
    11. Co-op, internship, and practicum credit.
    12. CLEP or DSST (Formerly DANTES) Examinations.
    13.  Credit earned from any institution as part of a third party agreement between that institution and the educational services provider, where that third party provider does not have an existing agreement, in good standing, with the University of Connecticut.
  1. Transfer Credit Evaluation
    1. Official transfer credit evaluations are prepared only for students who:
      1. Have been admitted to a degree program and have paid the advance deposit fee;
      2. Have been readmitted to the University in a degree program;
      3. Are continuing students taking work away while still enrolled at the University or while on an official educational leave of absence.  Continuing students are strongly advised to request and receive prior approval for work to be taken elsewhere.
    1. Credit evaluations and prior course approvals are not provided for students who have not been officially admitted, who have been dismissed, or who have voluntarily withdrawn from the University of Connecticut.
  1. Appeal Process
    1. When a decision regarding transfer credit is unacceptable to a student, the student may be directed to a specific faculty member for discussion of the matter.  If, after such meeting, the student wishes to continue the appeal, then the dean of his/her School or College may be consulted.  The Vice Provost for Academic Affairs gives final ruling on all appeals that may persist after the dean's decision.