Undergraduate Admissions

Guaranteed Admission Program (GAP)
The Guaranteed Admission Program (GAP) is an agreement between the Connecticut Community College System and the University of Connecticut, designed for students who enroll in a liberal arts transfer program at one of Connecticut's community colleges to transfer seamlessly to the University of Connecticut without needing to apply. Students who plan to continue their studies to earn a bachelor's degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences; Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources; or Business are guaranteed admission to the University of Connecticut once the associate degree has been earned, appropriate courses have been completed, and minimum grades and requirements for the selected program have been achieved. Advisors from individual community colleges and UConn meet with GAP students throughout their community college careers, assisting in their eventual transition to the University. Students wishing to enroll in GAP must be matriculated in a liberal arts transfer program at a Connecticut community college.
Students must apply to GAP before they have accrued more than 30 transferable credits. Those interested should review the implementation guidelines and contact their individual community college counselor for further information and assistance in selecting courses that will meet both community college and UConn degree requirements.