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Undergraduate Admissions

Transfer Credit for New UConn Students

Incoming students with transfer credit will be able to access their Transfer Summary. The Transfer Summary shows each post-secondary institution that was attended and lists, in course-by-course detail, how each course transfers to UConn. To determine how transfer credit will meet your degree requirements, you will consult with an academic advisor in your School or College at Orientation.

Report availability:

  • Transfer Students - Reports will be available at the time of admission.
  • First-Year Students - Reports will be available when credit is posted early in the first semester.

How to Access the Transfer Summary
In the Student Administration System, navigate to the Student Homepage > Academic Progress & Advising > Transfer Summary.

What Will I See?

Transfer credits are reflected either as:

Equivalent Credit – transfer courses determined to be equivalent in content and level will be given a UConn course designation.

Generic Credit – transfer courses not equivalent to a specific UConn course in either content or level are given a generic, 5-digit designation, beginning with the number "9". For example PSYC 91000 would indicate a 1000-level psychology elective, PSYC 92000, a 2000-level psychology elective, etc.

"In Progress" Courses

  • Courses without a final grade will appear as "In Progress"
  • Courses "In Progress" are not included in total number of credits transferred
  • Final official transcript should be sent to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions as soon as final grades are posted


Academic Requirements

Once you are a matriculated student, you will be able to verify how specific credit is being applied to meet degree requirements. We encourage you to review your Academic Requirements before the start of each academic term.

To view your Academic Requirements in the Student Administration System, navigate to the Student Homepage > Academic Progress & Advising > Academic Requirements.